
sponsor spotlight - the earthfood experiment

Hiya! I’m Chandra Nicole. I’m in my early 30’s  attempting to live a healthy lifestyle while dwelling in the midwest… land of corn & beef! 

Over the course of time I have swung between extremes as far as my diet is concerned. I have gone from existing mainly on booze and Taco Bell, to an entirely Vegan diet (for a minute anyways… I LOVE CHEESE!) To, most recently, a passionate love affair with all things chocolaty and sweet… resulting in what I refer to as “bonus curves”

Ultimately, the lifestyle I find to be the most delicious and indulgent (not to mention UBER healthy) closely mimics that of a Mediterranean dweller’s lifestyle, which is heavy in what I like to call ‘earthfoods’ or foods that grow from the ground; such as grains, fruits, veggies, legumes, etc. 

To Keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.  - Buddha

I don’t know about you, but I have found that I am happier in the mind when I consume foods that are nourishing for my body. So, my quest to make these healthy and nourishing foods less dud-ish and more explosion-y in flavor, is how my blog, the ‘earthfood experiment’, originally came about…  

I quickly realized, however, that I don't always feel like cooking. Some weeks I prefer to eat out every single day, or look through stacks of cookbooks but not actually make anything, or spend hours sitting in coffee shops around town pondering life, or get lost in a book for days, or start to train for a marathon, or hang out with my friends and drink wine...
With this knowledge I found that unless I were to expand ‘the earthfood experiment’ to include all of my meanderings... my postings would be scattered in frequency.
So, although my moment–to-moment interests may be somewhat sporadic, what does remain steadfast is my passion for cooking good food, eating & sharing, laughing, giving, inspiring, and living the fullest expression of life.

1 comment :

  1. Sounds very interesting! I am heading over to her blog to read more about her healthy choice of living! Thanks for this wonderful feature! xxx
